Search Results: Guide greece vol southern


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Middle and Southern English Colonies
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Middle and Southern English Colonies

The establishment of the Middle and Southern English Colonies of North America was encouraged by the earlier English settlements of Jamestown Colony of Virginia in the south (founded 1607) and Plymouth Colony and, especially, Massachusetts...
Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand
Definition by Kim Martins

Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand

The cascading geothermal pink and white terraces of Aotearoa New Zealand were often referred to internationally and within New Zealand as the eighth wonder of the world. They were a famous tourist attraction in the 19th century until the...
Top 5 Roman Sites in Southern Spain
Article by Carole Raddato

Top 5 Roman Sites in Southern Spain

Almost 700 years of continuous Roman occupation have left impressive traces in the Spanish landscape. Spain was then known as 'Hispania' and is now a fascinating location for the archaeological traveller. The Spanish provinces were amongst...
A Visitor's Guide to Oplontis, Stabiae & Boscoreale
Article by Carole Raddato

A Visitor's Guide to Oplontis, Stabiae & Boscoreale

More than 2,000 years ago, extremely wealthy Romans lived on the sunny shores of the Bay of Naples at Pompeii and in opulent villas nearby, unconcerned about Mount Vesuvius in the distance. Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE), Augustus (r. 27 BCE...
Pausanius' Guide To Ancient Athens
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pausanius' Guide To Ancient Athens

Pausanius (l. 110-180 CE) was a geographer and historian who traveled extensively, taking notes on points of interest, then wrote on them in guide books which could be used by tourists visiting the sites described. His works have long been...
A Visitor's Guide to Pompeii
Article by Carole Raddato

A Visitor's Guide to Pompeii

Visitors to Naples and its surrounding area could be overwhelmed by the number of archaeological wonders to see. Buried for centuries beneath tons of volcanic ash and debris, the archaeological sites scattered along the coast of Naples are...
A Visitor's Guide to Herculaneum
Article by Carole Raddato

A Visitor's Guide to Herculaneum

In the first part of our new travel series devoted to the archaeological sites around the Bay of Naples, we shared some hints and tips as to how you can best prepare for your self-guided tour of Pompeii. In this second part, we look into...
Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt
Article by P. DeMola

Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt

The vacillating nature of Ancient Egypt's associations with the Kingdom of Kerma may be described as one of expansion and contraction; a virtual tug-of-war between rival cultures. Structural changes in Egypt's administration led to alternating...
The Pyramid Texts: Guide to the Afterlife
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Pyramid Texts: Guide to the Afterlife

The Pyramid Texts are the oldest religious writings in the world and make up the principal funerary literature of ancient Egypt. They comprise the texts which were inscribed on the sarcophogi and walls of the pyramids at Saqqara in the 5th...
Visitor's Guide to Ancient Dion
Article by TimeTravelRome

Visitor's Guide to Ancient Dion

Dion is located at the foot of Mount Olympus in the north of Greece, in what would have been ancient Macedon. It takes its name from the most important Macedonian sanctuary dedicated to Zeus ("Dios” meaning "of Zeus”). Legend claims this...